Reaching stated performance targets a good accomplishment. Maintaining and elevating those accomplishments is an ever greater feat. Nothing can be more frustrating than to expend a great deal of your valuable resources in reaching a goal and then fail to sustain improvements. CAMS Consulting is able to help your organization from having its initiatives and programs fall into the ‘Program of the Month’ category. We pride ourselves in providing sustainable solutions on all past, current and future work with our clients. Our Sustainability Assurance program includes critical success factors for continuous improvement. These critical success factors include actions and countermeasures to implement when we are not a constant presence at your organization. Our goal is to transfer knowledge, skills, abilities and incentives that create a desire to always improve. We utilize a myriad of effective assurance tools and strategies for long-term success including:

- Evergreen’ Assessment Performance Reports
- After Action Reviews detailing:
Initial Gaps
Gap Closure actions and status
Achieved Goals
Specific Next Actions for continuous improvement
- Structured Work Day templates that streamline and clarity: (The ‘Who’, ‘What’ and ‘When’)
- Role-specific Standard Operating Procedures (‘The How’ and ‘Why’)
- Key performance reporting tools and best practice goals to know where you stand
- Quality control and assurance tools to maintain program alignment and eliminate deviating from stated improvement path
- One-on-One site coaching and follow-up training for each role in your organization.
- Training packages on job aids, tools, and process implemented during our working partnership
- Fault-Tree documents specific to services provided that will help when problems and questions arise
- Client-driven site follow-on visits to assess sustainability
- Succession planning and backfill training