The ability to achieve increased performance in uptime, reliability and machine repair times rests in the details. Having a robust and effective equipment strategy review of your asset base leads to the next important phase in achieving operational excellence: Job Tasks. You may call them procedures, SOP’s, job plans, routines or another term. The path toward increased asset availability and continuous improvement is paved by having the right information available. CAMS Consulting can work with your company to develop and optimize a job task library for your preventive, corrective, and shutdown/turnaround work. We have experience in providing our clients with a vast library utilizing your current CMMS/EAM system and any other related Document Management Systems.

- Transfer and/or upload job plan details from an external source into your system
- Provide technical writing expertise for detailing your job procedures
- Detail the planning aspects of preventive and corrective work including:
Manpower estimates and alignment to specific job operations
Material loading for automatic procurement/reservation
Job Safety Analysis information (Permit to Work, LO/TO, Confined Space, etc)
Job step interdependencies and relationships
Tool and equipment rental reservation and forecasting
Linking of technical information to job task (prints, drawings, vendor data)
Sequencing of tasks based upon frequencies, performance, and usage
Recognition and flagging of tasks with impact to the facility to aid in future planning
Indicate job tasks that require third-party service vendors and associated resources
Ensure jobs tasks requiring a shutdown, outage, or turnaround are structured and identifiable
- Clearly identify mitigation steps in job tasks to RCM, PMO, and FMEA analysis findings
- Integrate routine preventive tasks into a long-term work-to-resource load level
- Feedback job task implementation into management of change data repositories