You cannot have effective asset management or implement effective reliability solutions without Master Data. Having comprehensive, accurate, timely, and standardized data is critical to all aspects of running your business. From Planners to Schedulers to Engineers to Finance, all members of your asset intensive business rely upon master data for planning, coordination, and assignment of resources. Too many organizations struggle with the adage of ‘we’ll 80/20 it’ and get the other items once business settles down. The fact is business never settles down and often the 80 percent is only 30% accurate and comprehensive enough for users of the information to effectively and efficiently do their work. This situation is all too common and need not be. CAMS Consulting has worked on numerous projects aiding our clients to obtain a full breadth and depth of key information necessary. By CAMS working with these organizations they have been able to:
- Streamline work processes
- Increase wrench time via reduced delays in researching
- Build concise work packages for more accurate job execution
- Identify and increase visibility of safety and integrity critical assets
- Ensure all missing critical assets have appropriate maintenance strategies
- Improve failure coding and technical history to correct equipment
- Improved reliability analysis and confidence in the quality and accuracy of data
- Improve mean time to repair and mean time between failure

We can work with your organization to:
- Create data governance standards to ensure consistent naming and architecture of your digital asset enterprise
- Perform three-way matching and correction for total accuracy between your physical plant, technical drawings, and your EAM/CMMS system
- Implement best practice standards for naming your master, planning and transaction data and value lists
- Implement structured failure coding based upon industry-specific and RCM/FMEA/PMO analyses.
- Fill in the missing information gaps of your enterprise asset’s classifications and characteristics
- Build in business rules to your EAM/CMMS system to aid in effective and value-added reporting
- Increase the library of asset data in your Document Management System that can integrate/supplement your CMMS/EAM system