Taking your sites revenue-producing assets offline is a critical event that affects all aspects of your organization. The impact on asset integrity, safety, supply to customers, and the bottom line are quite significant. As such your organization must work to ensure this period of dormant output is maximized to effectively and efficiently conduct outage, turnaround, or shutdown activities. CAMS Consulting can provide resources that can help your organization achieve improvements in length, budget, and work accomplishment goals. We provide the following consulting, training and hands-on coaching that support an efficient outage/shutdown/turnaround. This includes working with all stakeholders of your organization to do all of the these and more:
- Define and document goals for the budget
- Identify and assist in planning event-driven projects
- Train Maintenance Planners in packaging future work for impromptu and routine outages.
- Perform initial walkdowns of equipment
- Define scope of work and parameters for job selection
- Setup stage gates to decrease or eliminate ‘scope-creep’
- Applied training in use of project management tools, terms, and methods
- Build effective and comprehensive work execution packages
- Documenting engineering change/management of change
- Ensure job readiness and coordination of materials, permits and other resources
- Stakeholder alignment between production, maintenance, and service providers
- ‘Systems-go’ check of work packages and schedule sequencing prior to execution
- Daily budget, schedule, and work execution monitoring
- Conduct after-action reviews of expected/estimated versus actual performance
- Individualized and collective gap closure plan